
Investment Policy Statement

Security Forecasting


All the investment ideas in the portfolio have forecasted risk, return, correlations and other data points estimated as inputs to the optimization process. Each of the models uses expertly researched and crafted techniques to improve the forecasting accuracy. Please select your preferred forecasting model. If certain ideas do not have forecasts from your preferred model they will be supplemented with an alternative model.

Please Prioritize Your Preferences for Prediction Models

Artificial Intelligence

An adaptive machine learning approach that ingests, organizes and analyzes data to find predictable patterns that target performance excellence


A common sense model seeking to buy strong companies at attractive prices.

Quantitative / Technical

This model applies well researched and optimized patterns in security performance data to predict the future

Risk Estimation


Risk is losing money. This is not reasonable to predict, so we can select from a few statistical approximations which are useful estimators.